"Makeup is a tool of self expression. In a way like no other art form it can build your confidence." ASA Beauty
Over the years, when I've mentioned that I am a Hair and Makeup artist, in conversation, people have had many questions and often ask me for product recommendations and advice. I thought it was about time to share some of my knowledge and help people modernise their makeup routines and share some tips and tricks on how to do beautiful and effective makeup for everyday life.
So... I started my Group Makeup Masterclasses and they have gone down a treat!
The 2 hour classes are designed to go through a full makeup look and then from this, you can choose what aspects of that are the most important to you, to use in your everyday look.

I'm fully aware that people do not have 2 hours to apply makeup in the real world. Me especially. I'm a busy Mum and I work, so time is limited - I am lucky if I have 15 minutes, but 15 minutes is plenty of time if you know what you're doing. I can probably make myself presentable in 5, so I can teach you!
It was important to me when I was designing the class that everyone would feel welcome and that it would be fun and relaxed whether with friends or coming along on your own. I wanted people to have access to a class of wine if they want one too - hence the venue of The Windsor and Eton Brewery, Berkshire, who also happen to have a well lit board room, which was perfect for my class.
In the class, I encourage each person to follow me, as I demonstrate the steps on my model. Everyone gets a mirror to use and a makeup chart to take notes on. People are asked to bring their own makeup bags, but I also send a list of products that are required in order to follow the basic steps, ahead of the class.
The feedback from all the classes has been all really positive. Everyone has said that they have left with new knowledge, feel more confident applying their makeup and that it was really fun evening. All of which is lovely to hear. I've also tweaked the classes from the constructive feedback that I've received -for example, I have added a small break in the middle of the session, so people can get another drink or have a chat and I now send out the product recommendations previous to the class.
I'm thrilled that every class has sold out and if they continue to do so, I will run more in the surrounding areas such as Ascot, Bracknell, Reading, Marlow, Maidenhead and Wokingham.
A January date for this class is now live on Eventbrite and I am also launching a trial Hairstyling class in November! I would love to see you there!!
For the latest information or to book please head over to Eventbrite