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How a Post Covid Wedding Morning might look....

Writer's picture: Jennifer FogertyJennifer Fogerty

During this upside down Covid year, the uncertainty of the Wedding season for industry professionals and Brides has been hard, to say the least. Myself and all of my Hair and Make Up Artist colleagues had 4 months of work wiped from our diaries overnight over our peak season and more uncertainty has followed as lockdown was relaxed and Make Up Artists were one of the last people to be allowed to work. Hard emotionally and financially. However, it’s the Brides that have suffered the most.

Imagine waiting in some cases over 2 years to get married and start a life with your beloved, only to be told that you have to Postpone. Or if your Wedding was booked for late 2020, having the turmoil of whether to cancel or to go ahead. What a disappointment and what a headache. Especially when a gazillion other Brides are in the same position and now in a bun fight over suppliers and dates. I genuinely feel for these guys. But as I’ve said to all of my lovely Brides, best delay and have the Wedding day that you dream of. “Good things come to those that wait”

Here are few things from a Hair and Make Up Artist perspective that might be a little different to a Wedding morning before Covid arrived:

1.PPE. We will be wearing masks, a visor and possibly a plastic apron.This is entirely to protect the bridal party and ourselves, as we work in such close contact. It is impossible to social distance when you’re applying Make Up or styling hair. Not ideal for Wedding photos no, but safety comes first. It will be an interesting thing to show the Grandchildren when showing them the wedding album in years to come.

2.Our clients will be asked to wash their hands and may be asked to wear a mask. Obviously not whilst make up is being applied, but possibly if its only hair that we are working on.

3. We’ve upped our hygiene game. All H&MUA’s that I work with are already super hot on this, but Covid means we have to take even more precautions. We will be armed with anti bacterial sprays and wipes, Dettol wipes, disposable applicators and a have systems in place that mean no Make Up brushes will be used on two separate clients. Pencils will always be sharpened between clients and products will be swatched and used from a palette. Hair brushes will be cleaned and hands will be washed…. a lot.

4. Because of the above, we might need more time.

5. Unlike before there won’t be lots of people buzzing around whilst Hair is being styled or make up applied. Personally I will be requesting a separate room/space that I can work 1 on 1 with the person in the chair. This means the atmosphere will be slightly compromised, however, take full advantage of this time to gather yourself and be pampered. Often when there are lots of people around, it becomes chaotic and stressful, so take full advantage of the calm.

Whatever your wedding day holds, it will be special and memorable and wonderful. Covid is just something we are going to have to live with for now and the above changes are 'of the time'. Looking back it really won't have played a big role in your day. 2020 & 2021 weddings will forever have a story attached and who knows, weddings on every day of the week through all seasons might end up a new thing. I for one hope so!

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